Preparation Manual
Section 4: Sample Presentational Speaking Assignment TX PACT: LOTE Spanish: Early Childhood–Grade 12 (713)
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Sample Directions for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
For this section of the exam you will record a spoken response to the assignment that will be presented on the screen. You will have two minutes to read the assignment presented on the screen and consider your response. You will then have two minutes to record your response by speaking into the headset provided. Your response must be in the target language. Once recording has begun, it cannot be stopped, nor can you re-record your response.
What you say must be relevant to the situation presented in the assignment. Your response will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Purpose: The extent to which the response fulfills the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience
- Organization and Coherence: The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected
- Syntax and Grammar: The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar
- Vocabulary: The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
- Fluency: The extent to which the response demonstrates the ability to maintain a steady rate and appropriate pace of speech without unnecessary hesitations or pauses
- Pronunciation: The extent to which the response demonstrates intelligibility and accuracy of pronunciation
Select the Next button to continue.
The speaking assignment and a Recorded Answer box will appear on the next screen. A sample of the Recorded Answer box appears below.
When you are ready, click Next and begin reading the assignment. The Recorded Answer box will count down the time until recording begins. You will have 2 minutes to review the assignment and prepare your response. Be sure not to begin speaking until the status on the Recorded Answer box changes to read the number of seconds remaining.
You will then have 2 minutes to complete your response in the target language. You can monitor your time remaining by referring to the Recorded Answer box. The time will count down from 120 seconds (2 minutes) and the status bar will fill as time progresses.
When your time is up, the current status on the Recorded Answer box will change to "completed" indicating the conclusion of the speaking section of the exam. Once the status in the Recorded Answer box changes to "completed," select the Next button to continue with the remainder of the exam. Do not click Next until you have finished recording your response.
You will have only ONE opportunity to record your response. Select the Next button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the speaking section of the exam. Be sure you have your headset on before proceeding. Once you select the Next button, the timed speaking assignment will begin and you WILL NOT be able to return to these directions.
Select the Next button to continue.
Sample Presentational Speaking Assignment
Domain VI—Presentational Speaking
Competency 010—In response to a prompt, demonstrate the ability to deliver coherent, well-developed discourse in Spanish that effectively communicates a message.
Read the prompt below. You will have 2 minutes to review the prompt and prepare your response. Then, when you are told to do so, begin speaking in Spanish. You will then have 2 additional minutes to complete your response. You will be told when your time is up. Begin reviewing the prompt now. You will be told when to begin speaking.
(PAUSE 2 minutes)
Imagine that you have been asked to give a presentation in Spanish to a group of educators about a past experience you have had in which you attended a cultural event such as a concert or art exhibit. Speaking in Spanish, discuss your experience. In your presentation, you must include, but are not limited to, the following:
- a narrative of an experience in which you attended a cultural event; and
- an explanation of how this experience affected you.
You have two minutes to complete your response. Begin speaking in Spanish now.
(PAUSE 2 minutes)
Two minutes are over now.
Description of a Strong Response to the Presentational Speaking Assignment
A strong response to the presentational speaking assignment would develop the topic by elaboration of specific points. The response would be delivered in a consistently clear manner. The speaker would speak fluently, demonstrating control of syntax and grammar. The speaker's vocabulary would show mastery of a broad vocabulary including appropriate idiomatic expressions. The speaker would handle simple and complex linguistic constructions, avoiding errors that interfere with communication. The speaker would exhibit good to excellent pronunciation and intonation.
Performance Characteristics for Presentational Speaking Assignment
Responses are scored holistically based on the following performance characteristics:
Purpose | The extent to which the response fulfills the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience |
Organization and Coherence | The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected |
Syntax and Grammar | The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar |
Vocabulary | The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions |
Fluency | The extent to which the response demonstrates the ability to maintain a steady rate and appropriate pace of speech without unnecessary hesitations or pauses |
Pronunciation | The extent to which the response demonstrates intelligibility and accuracy of pronunciation |
Score Scale for Presentational Speaking Assignment
The four points of the scoring scale correspond to varying degrees of performance.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 | The "4" response reflects a thorough understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
3 | The "3" response reflects a general understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
2 | The "2" response reflects a limited understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
1 | The "1" response reflects little understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
U | The response is unrelated to the assignment, is inaudible/incomprehensible, is not spoken in the target language, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. |
B | There is no response to the assignment. |