Within Task 1, the teacher candidate may plan a learning segment that includes both synchronous and asynchronous learning tasks, planned supports, and/or assessments. All lessons, whether synchronous or asynchronous, must have the same central focus and a progression of student learning objectives that build on one another to support student learning. Candidates need to consider whether the planned instruction, support, and assessments meet the expectations for the rubrics in Task 1. NOTE: Candidates should consider planning at least two (2) synchronous lessons in the learning segment to provide options for Task 2 video evidence.
Within Task 2, all video evidence must come from lessons with synchronous instruction and meet expectations for the rubrics in Task 2.
Within Task 3, work samples, feedback, and evidence of student language use may come from synchronous or asynchronous lessons.
Within Task 4 (Elementary Education only), evidence from the learning segment may be asynchronous, but the evidence from the re-engagement lesson must be synchronous.
Originally published on 9/25/20; revised on 11/19/21