The TASC Holistic Rating Scale
Scorers use the TASC holistic rating scale to assign an overall score to your signed performance. The holistic rating scale presents the criteria on which your signed performance is evaluated.
The holistic rating scale is a five-point scale, with "E" the lowest rating and "A" the highest. Each point of the scale represents a different level of overall signed communication proficiency.
The score point descriptions reflect typical levels of signed performance at each score point. Although the score assigned corresponds to one of the score points, individual responses
may include attributes not specifically mentioned in the rating scale and/or attributes of more than one score point.
The passing score for the TASC (i.e., the minimum level of sign communication proficiency required for an entry-level educator to perform successfully in Texas schools) is set at Level C.
The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) adopted the passing standards based upon recommendations of committees of Texas educators. Thus, performances rated at Levels A, B,
or C are considered to be passing performances on the TASC.
Level A
The candidate consistently shows a very high level of proficiency in expressive and receptive communication.
The candidate demonstrates the communicative ability necessary to discuss a wide range of topics and can perform conversational communication functions, fully elaborated, with ease.
The candidate exhibits the communication skills needed to effectively explain in detail, hypothesize at the abstract level, express and support opinions, and persuade. Few or no semantic or
pronunciation/enunciation errors (such as misused or malformed vocabulary or grammar) are evident.
Level B
The candidate is a full partner in expressive and receptive communication.
The candidate shows a high level of proficiency and comprehension across a variety of topics. The candidate may describe, narrate, compare, clarify, explain, and/or persuade in smooth
and connected discourse, with little circumlocution (the use of an unnecessarily large number of signs or gestures to express an idea). Occasional semantic and pronunciation/enunciation
errors (such as misused or malformed vocabulary or grammar) are evident, but these do not detract from or affect intelligibility or communication.
Level C
The candidate is generally a partner in expressive and receptive communication.
The candidate may describe, narrate, compare, and/or clarify regarding routine social and work-related topics and some novel, unusual, or abstract topics. Some lapses in comprehension
and/or fluency may occur (such as unnecessary pauses or rephrasing), which do not generally impede communication, and at times circumlocution may occur. Some semantic and
pronunciation/enunciation errors (such as misused or malformed vocabulary or grammar) are evident.
Level D
Expressive and/or receptive communication occurs on a limited basis.
The candidate is able to participate in conversation, although participation may be halting or fragmented, and can describe some familiar topics within social or work contexts.
The candidate can ask and answer basic questions and create some utterances, although only a limited range of expression, limited fluency, and/or incomplete comprehension are
demonstrated. Frequent semantic and pronunciation/enunciation errors (such as misused or malformed vocabulary or grammar) are distracting.
Level E
Expressive and/or receptive communication is very limited or does not occur.
The candidate is able to participate only in rudimentary conversation. Communication is hindered by a lack of fluency (frequent long pauses, rephrasing, and unfinished ideas) and/or a lack of comprehension.
The candidate is able to understand and use only common nouns and basic vocabulary (e.g., food, family members, time). Numerous and severe semantic and pronunciation/enunciation errors (such as
misused or malformed vocabulary or grammar) interfere with communication.